Monday, July 16, 2007

ASPCA: Disaster Readiness,,,


We all want to protect our pets should the worst happen—
we just may not know how. On Friday, July 20, from noon to 2 P.M. EST, we will hold a moderated discussion with the ASPCA’s Sandy Monterose, Senior Director, National Outreach, Disaster Readiness. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out how to be prepared in the case of a natural disaster. Sample questions include:

* What should I pack in my emergency kit?
* What do I do with my pet if officials evacuate my area?
* What is the role of animal rescuers?

Monterose was involved in post-Katrina rescue efforts in a variety of areas, including shelter management. A licensed veterinary technician, she’s a former animal control officer and a former shelter executive director.

Please note, you'll need to log in to post your questions, so
click here to sign up if you're not already a member of the ASPCA Community. To view our most recent moderated discussion, a cat chat with the ASPCA’s Dr. Louise Murray, click here.


Anonymous said...

i think the huston ASPCA is a really good thing to do. ifeel so bad for the animals that get abused and neglected i think everybody should help out and donate money. i am trying to talk my dad into helping. and the cermersil was really sad. (i said huston because i live in texas.)my friends and i are going to volenteer at the georgetown animal shelter to help the animals in our community.well i am trying to talk them into it.when i saw the comersil i almot cried it was so said like the one with the kids in africa.almot all our animals were beaten and thown out on the curb. our family really cares abot the helpless animals in the world so spay and nuter your pets. i think we should have more free hospitals in texas and everywhere else for people who can't afford medication and healthcare for your pets. plus we need more ASPCA's or SPCA's (we have 13 pets)

Anonymous said...

this isz a really good thing