Saturday, November 15, 2008

Puppy Mill Action Week is November 16 to 22!

Half the country must have watched the Oprah episodes on puppy mills, aghast at the conditions endured by the breeding dogs and appalled at the callous disregard for their animals' welfare demonstrated by the money-hungry breeders.

People wept for the dogs, suffering a hellish existence in squalor and bred literally to death for easy money. Who knew, people asked, that those cute puppies in the pet store and on those cheerful websites came with such an unacceptable price tag?

Even now, in the midst of an official recesssion, when record numbers of family pets are being abandoned and surrendered to shelters, puppy (and kitten) mills just keep churning out the inventory, focused on one thing - and one thing only: profit.

What do you think happens to breeding stock that is no longer viable? To litters that don't sell because people can't afford the "luxury" of a pet right now? To dogs and cats who aren't wanted so much once they're no longer that adorable puppy or kitten? How many of them count towards the tens of millions of animals being euthanized across the country every year? Are you OK with that?

This week is Puppy Mill Action Week - here's where you can make a difference:

Get educated.

Get active!
  • The Humane Society is asking people to work with their local pet stores and encourage them to develop and implement "puppy friendly" policies by refusing to sell puppies in their store and supporting shelter adoptions instead.
  • Please also write to your elected officials asking them to co-sponsor the Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS), HR 6949, to require broader federal oversight of puppy mills.
  • Write to newspaper editors about the pet store/Internet puppy mill connection. Download a letter you can sign and send to your local paper

Part of the Oprah Puppy Mill Coverage:

Pease don't just sit there and be outraged, that doesn't do anything. Take a step towards closing down the puppy mill industry this week and help save lives!

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