Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Some pet owners might be tempted to dye their doggy green today to celebrate the Irish holiday of St Patrick's day.

This is not a practice we recommend for a number of reasons (messy, potential to harm your pet with non pet-safe dye products, did we mention messy?) - instead, how about buying a festive green dog jacket (like one of these)? You don't need to wash it out afterwards, and you can use it for more than just St Paddy's day!

If you do decide to dye, however, please never use human hair dye as it's toxic to pets - instead try diluted food coloring or some people suggest Kool Aid. We have seen mention of a pet-safe dye made by a company called Pet Silk but it appears most of the colors have been discontinued.

Better yet, leave the dog alone and go to town on your own hair! Green hair is in the spirit of the day, it's bound to turn heads and it'll go very well with your St Paddy's green colored beverages and food!

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